Optical Power Meter

Multi-channel Optical Power Meter (XQ5230)

XQ5230 is a series of multi-channel optical power meters designed by OSCOM, which uses InGaAs or Si material as a light detector and integrates automatic range switching, spectral ratio measurement, insertion loss measurement, PDL measurement, data recording and analysis, RS232C/GPIB interface and other functions. XQ5231 is a 4-channel optical power meter, XQ5232 is an 8-channel optical power meter, XQ5233 is a 16-channel optical power meter, which is cost-effective, stable and reliable, simple and easy to use, very suitable for optical device factory production testing and scientific research unit testing and other applications.

     ● Optical fiber communication test

     ● Optical fiber sensing test

     ● Optical fiber device production and test

     ● Optical fiber module production test

     ● Optical fiber communication system integration

     ● Automatic optical test system construction